On December 4, 2022, I added in a few more models and increased the complexity of the Tiled map to display them.
When I loaded up the game, it crashed. I had run into the limit of how large I could make the uniform buffers for passing information into the shaders, and I wouldn’t be able to render all the geometry without making some changes. I tried breaking up entities up and rendering them the same way, but in batches. This resulted in the mess you see below.
I got burnt out trying to fix the rendering for a while, and on January 15, 2023 I decided to try again. I spent quite a while debugging, to some entertaining results, but had not yet found a fix.
Eventually I decided to scrap the whole way I was rendering, and start loading all my model matrices and materal mappings into SSBOs, and make heavy use of glMultiDrawElementsIndirect. The idea was there, but before it was fixed, it got worse. On January 18, 2023 I was so close to having it working but there was some small issue that mixed everything up.
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